Innisfail Disc Golf Update

Last weekend the Innisfail Kinsmen worked with the Town of Innisfail to install the first 9 holes of the Innisfail Disc Golf course! There is still a bit of work to be completed but the holes are now playable!

We would like to send a HUGE THANK YOU to our hole sponsors:

Innisfail Subway

Quality Car Company

NAPA AUTOPRO – Innisfail 2020 Auto Service

The Fox and Hound

Innisfail Lions Club


OK Tire Innisfail

Boss Contracting

Another HUGE THANK YOU to Andy and The Playground Guys out of Olds for helping us find the nets and get them to Canada in such a weird year.

And a special Thank You to Rob and Josh Gette for working tirelessly to make the Innisfail Disc Golf Course a reality.

We are still looking for hole sponsors for the back 9 and have one open for sponsorship on the front 9 – if anyone is interested contact us for details!